Welcome to AutoShare

A freeware Macintosh list server and auto-responder.
An EIMS (AIMS, MailShare) companion application.
Copyright © 1994-1997 Mikael Hansen.

AutoShare is written by Mikael Hansen, Denmark
EIMS (AIMS, MailShare) is written by Glenn Anderson, New Zealand
Click here to download the 1.4 version of AutoShare. Go here to quickly read the announcement details for version 1.4 further down on this web page and here for an overview of the AutoShare documents.

Table of contents

Addresses and URLs

My personal e-mail address is meh@dnai.com.

The AutoShare home page is at http://www.dnai.com/~meh/autoshare/.

The AutoShare ftp site is at ftp://ftp.dnai.com/users/m/meh/autoshare/.

Be sure to check out James Berriman's AutoShare web pages at http://frutiger.staffs.ac.uk/autoshare/ as well.

Announcement, Talk and Beta lists

The AutoShare Announcement list offers news on AutoShare and related topics.

To subscribe to the AutoShare announcement list, send mail to autoshare@frutiger.staffs.ac.uk with subscribe autoshare-announce Ðyour nameð in the first line of the body.

The AutoShare announcement list took off on November 15 1996.

The AutoShare Talk list is a forum for discussing AutoShare and related topics.

To subscribe, send mail to autoshare@frutiger.staffs.ac.uk with subscribe autoshare-talk Ðyour nameð in the first line of the body. Be sure to subscribe as I am likely to respond faster to contributions on this list than to personal e-mails about AutoShare. Thank you!

The AutoShare talk list took off on April 23 1996, and the listmaster is James Berriman, who knows more about EIMS and AutoShare than I do :-)

The AutoShare Tip Of The Day list offers insights on little known AutoShare features. Subscribers receive one mail per day. If you would like to contribute, please post your story to the moderated list.

To subscribe to the AutoShare tip of the day list, send mail to autoshare@frutiger.staffs.ac.uk with subscribe autoshare-tip-of-the-day Ðyour nameð in the first line of the body.

The AutoShare tip of the day list took off on August 6 1997.

The AutoShare talk list October 6 1995 thru April 23 1996 only

To subscribe, send mail to autoshare@hsforum.com with sub autoshare-talk Ðyour nameð in the first line of the body.

The listmaster is Mark M. Levinson.

Be sure to check out the WWW CGI for AutoShare written in Frontier by Mark M. Levinson.

AutoShare beta-testers March 16 1995 thru October 6 1995 only

The beta phase for AutoShare took off on March 16 1995. If you subscribe to the beta list at autoshare@admin2.kb.bib.dk (put sub autoshare.beta Ðyour nameð in the first line of the body), you will receive instructions on how to obtain your copy of the AutoShare beta software. General information is available at autoshare.info@admin2.kb.bib.dk.

If you would like to subscribe the web way , the Listserv Access Page is for you. Jeffrey T. Jones has created this World Wide Web page and AppleScript based Common Gateway Interface (CGI) that allows people to send AutoShare list server commands to a configured mail server. His URLs are and

AutoShare features

AutoShare adds the following to your EIMS server environment (entries marked with an asterisk (*) are new in version 1.4):

AutoShare releases

AutoShare 1.4 release

Several related downloads such as an AutoShare Admin version with a built-in FaceSpan extension are available at ftp.dnai.com/users/m/meh/autoshare/autoshare-more/.

Please visit the AutoShare 1.4 post-release notes from time to time.

The AutoShare 1.4 version, released on September 9 1997 (with the public beta taking off on July 8 1997), is available from ftp.dnai.com/users/m/meh/autoshare/ and also from your local Info-Mac mirror site in the comm/inet/mail directory. You may fetch it using e-mail by writing to AutoShare-software@frutiger.staffs.ac.uk.

AutoShare 1.3 release

The AutoShare 1.3 version, released on May 6 1997, is available from ftp.dnai.com/users/m/meh/autoshare/. Version 1.3 introduced subscriber and administrator web forms, Mac-to-HTML and MIME-to-HTML character conversions, choice of RFC From vs envelope sender for subscriber lists, scripted e-mail using the Send Mail AppleScript command, monthly help files on a per-list basis, subscriber aliases, specific key strings for poll accounts and considerably improved speed for large enclosures.

AutoShare 1.2 release

The AutoShare 1.2 version, released on March 14 1997, is available from ftp.dnai.com/users/m/meh/autoshare/. Version 1.2 introduced automated web archives, remote administration by e-mail, advanced mail-back confirmations, automated bounce and unsubscribe module, fast searching and sorting of lists, MIME configuration of outgoing mail messages, subject prefixes in list contributions and Admin balloon help.

AutoShare 1.1 release

The AutoShare 1.1 version, released on November 15 1996, is available from ftp.dnai.com/users/m/meh/autoshare/. Version 1.1 introduced list-specific features, full scriptability, the AutoShare Admin and the PowerPC native version.

You can also get it at Internet Servers for Mac OS and ftp.freedonia.com/pub/servers/.

AutoShare 1.0.1 release

The AutoShare 1.0.1 version (software and release notes only), released on June 14 1995, includes a few fixes to the 1.0 software. It's available from ftp.dnai.com/users/m/meh/autoshare/.

AutoShare 1.0 release

AutoShare 1.0, a freeware EIMS (AIMS, MailShare) companion application including list server and auto-responder services, was released on June 7 1995. This public AutoShare 1.0 final version is available from ftp.dnai.com/users/m/meh/autoshare/. The 1.0 release includes the AutoShare 1.0 Documentation as well as Jason Snell's AutoShare QuickStart.

AutoShare FAQ

The AutoShare FAQ serves as a supplement to the AutoShare 1.0 Documentation and the AutoShare 1.4 Addendum.

You may also want to take a look at An overview of the AutoShare documents.

Be sure to check out James Berriman's Using AutoShare with NewsRunner.

Please note

AutoShare is a personal project of Mikael Hansen in his free time (usually past 10 p.m., so it's late night software) and in no way relates to his work as such or any other formal channels of support (I'm doing it strictly for the fun of it).
Last updated on September 8 1997 by Mikael Hansen